Total­ly Legit Title for This Art­icle

Sorry, I had to use Lady Gaga's photos from her album ARTPOP be­cause I have no in­ter­net while I was do­ing this, and they're the on­ly ones I had in my stash. As you can see, I'm a huge La­dy Ga­ga fan. I mean, pro­bably not as huge as other peo­ple, I never had the chance to go to one of her tours, but I love her so much, e­nough for me to be shame­less in u­sing her in my de­mo pro­jects lol.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Pop mu­sic will ne­ver be low brow. I hide be­hind the au­ra. I wear bur­qa for fa­shion. E­nig­ma pop­star is fun. I want your ugly, I want your di­sease. T-Series ain't no­thing but a bitch la­sagna.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Pop mu­sic will ne­ver be low brow. I hide be­hind the au­ra. I wear bur­qa for fa­shion. E­nig­ma pop­star is fun. I want your ugly, I want your di­sease. T-Series ain't no­thing but a bitch la­sagna.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Pop mu­sic will ne­ver be low brow. I hide be­hind the au­ra. I wear bur­qa for fa­shion. E­nig­ma pop­star is fun. I want your ugly, I want your di­sease. T-Series ain't no­thing but a bitch la­sagna.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Pop mu­sic will ne­ver be low brow. I hide be­hind the au­ra. I wear bur­qa for fa­shion. E­nig­ma pop­star is fun. I want your ugly, I want your di­sease. T-Series ain't no­thing but a bitch la­sagna.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Pop mu­sic will ne­ver be low brow. I hide be­hind the au­ra. I wear bur­qa for fa­shion. E­nig­ma pop­star is fun. I want your ugly, I want your di­sease. T-Series ain't no­thing but a bitch la­sagna.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Pop mu­sic will ne­ver be low brow. I hide be­hind the au­ra. I wear bur­qa for fa­shion. E­nig­ma pop­star is fun. I want your ugly, I want your di­sease. T-Series ain't no­thing but a bitch la­sagna.

Bitch la­sagna. Bobs or ve­ga­na? You got a po­pu­la­tion of 1.32 bil­lion. But your vi­de­os can't seem to get more than a mil­lion. I'm sorry I don't have e­nough fil­ler text so I'm here u­sing Pew­Die­Pie's diss track as fil­ler text be­cause that damned lo­rem ip­sum is a lit­tle too o­ver­used. Sub­scribe to Pew­Die­Pie, will you? Thank you. I'm a band­wagon.

Pop mu­sic will ne­ver be low brow. I hide be­hind the au­ra. I wear bur­qa for fa­shion. E­nig­ma pop­star is fun. I want your ugly, I want your di­sease. T-Series ain't no­thing but a bitch la­sagna.